Saturday, February 6, 2010

More Than 100 Years Later, the World I Live In Still Displays the Impact of the New Imperialism

Hong Kong, a mix of old and new.

Even now, effects of the New Imperialism can still be seen. A good example of this is the city of Hong Kong. The British took over Hong Kong after the Opium War, and it has been greatly influenced by them. It runs on different economic and political systems than the rest of China and has become one of the the world's leading international financial centers. The education system in Hong Kong is even based off of a British model. The British granted sovereignty to the Chinese in 1997, but it still is governed under a different set of laws than the rest of China. Another example of how the New Imperialism can still be seen is in the countries of Africa. When Africa was divided up in the New Imperialism, boundaries were set without regard to tribe or ethnic groups. There are still areas in Africa, such as the Democratic Republic of Congo, that are still in conflict.

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