Monday, November 30, 2009

Unit 1: Afghanistan

A classroom in Afghanistan.

Many times, there is not enough funding for school buildings, so school children have to learn outside.


My research of Afghanistan mainly focused on education. In my children's story book, I discussed a young girl's journey to achieve an education and the problems she faced. In Afghanistan, girls are often denied an education due to social issues and the fact that they are often needed at home to help with the cooking or cleaning. One of the greatest social challenges to a girl's education is the Taliban who threaten and attack women that try to attend school or work. These attacks have lessened in recent years, however, due to the intervention of the United States military. I believe the research I did was thorough and effective in helping me learn about the education struggle in Afghanistan. The sources I found were very reliable and helped to explain the material clearly, negating the need to search for other sources.


The situation in Afghanistan seems to being getting gradually better. There are still attacks and problems in Afghanistan, including education and gender discrimination, but with the support of countries like the United States and Japan, the country is getting better. The United States has recently approved a troop increase to help accelerate the growth of the training of the Afghanistan police force. Japan gave a grant of 24 million United States dollars to help further the growth of the education system in Afghanistan by constructing new schools and other education facilities. Help from countries like these and the support from the people of Afghanistan has helped to increase the rate at which the country has been improving.



The research that I did on education in Afghanistan has really opened my eyes on the struggles they face there. I knew that they faced the danger of being attacked there by the Taliban , but I never knew how widespread or frequent it was. I really respect the brave people who took the risk to pursue an education even though it was dangerous or looked down on by other people. It has been getting better recently, but it still needs a lot of work to completely fix the education problem. Fixing the education problem can help to unify the nation and stop the constant warring against rival tribes.

Picture sources:

1 comment:

  1. Very well done benny boy, sources are good. Paragraphs have good format and are written very well. The pictures are very high quality, and you did a very great job Ben. Your the best. I love you. stay fly homedog
